Want a Child? Mate Lady Liberty

AmerAsia ReportIf I were to birth a child, Lady Liberty would be my Mate. Children require security, nourishment, knowledge, strength, love, direction, growth, a bright future; a future as unique and bright as my child. A future is not, borne, but made. Made by all of us. Today, and every day. By our actions, working alone, yet, all the while, affecting each other, setting our collective future.........................Alas, a problem, I work and have little time. Same with my mate, Lady Liberty. You see, raising children is expensive and we have bills to pay. And, grandparents to care for. And daily life to live. I, WE, need help raising one, two and three children…………………….Thanks to hard work , Lady Liberty and I are able to pay small and big money to others keeping us strong, cooking meals, teaching lessons, helping build our child’s mind, body and soul.………….. Every day, for our future, we pay these commercial suppliers of life necessities, who, in their turn, pay others to do the same for their children and family. And, so on and, so on until we are all investing in our daily success ensuring our children grow up Amazing. Making all our futures Amazing……………………Liberty, The right to do as I please, when, where and how I please, with whom I please (so long as the acts are ethical, moral and just). Simply because I please. And, for no other reason. Liberty of demand and supply grows strong children and futures. Want a child? Mate Lady Liberty.

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