Freedom Dividends

AmerAsia ReportAugust 3 2023 | San Clemente California ….. Freedom pays dividends to all that embrace her values of human rights, individual sovereignty, liberty. Freedom means the right to operate as one chooses; hopefully with ethics, dignity and respect; but not always. Witnessing our global conflicts today, it is fair to ask oneself a basic question….. WHY?.....Why do some leaders appear intent on exercising their freedoms by destroying their own prosperity? Why do some leaders appear intent on committing self-inflicted injuries, simply because they can? ….. Over the last 33 years the world’s GDP has grown 519%. Countries embracing Freedom have done far better than those whose leaders turn their backs on her blessings of opportunity, growth and fulfillment. For all citizens in every country; your country, your family, your friends and colleagues. The historical record of the last many decades is clear; we are on the right track together. Let’s stay on it, so that ALL may reap the many Dividends of Freedom.

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Freedom Dividends



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